Fa chai fishing offers great prizes! “Fa chai” means get rich in Chinese. As the name suggests, this game has high-quality bonuses waiting for players to explore. Lucky red envelopes will be provided to players during the game. It is a fish shooting game that is very popular among players.


Get basic 10x and a free Thunderball. After launching the Thunderball, there is a chance to catch any fish on the route besides a and Thunderball explodes.
The fish cannot be killed if Chain gun is locked.

Chain gun
Get basic 10x and 20 to 100 free bullets. Hit the Chain gun again with the free bullet to accumulate the number of bullets. Collect up to 999 bullets.
The fish cannot be killed if Chain gun is locked.

Lucky money turtle
When the Lucky money turtle appears on the screen, players work together to win a fortune to get 100x to 300x bet score until the Lucky money turtle leaves.

Lucky axel
When the player catches the special wheel will be triggered. Please choose your lucky location Select a lucky location and change your luck to get up to 40x to200x.

Lucky red envelope
When the player catches red envelope or when any fish has been hit, there is a chance to trigger an extra bonus and play a red envelope game to win 2x to 1000x Lucky red envelopes.

1. When the player shoots, accumulate the energy value and trigger automatically
when the energy value reaches the maximum.
2. When the player switches the bet amount, the charge bar is not affected.
3. The winning score is calculated based on the bet amount when the charge bar is full.